Friday, January 29, 2010

2 Guys 3 Cups

The day was normal enough, wake up, get to work at eight AM and then stare at the computer for a few hours until I could leave again. Some delicious BK for lunch that Stacy decided to buy, so my broke ass didn't have to drop 5 bucks just for lunch.

Around two PM walk in the house to be greeted by my cat who decides to come say 'Hi!' then lay on his back and swipe at you as you walk over him. I think my cat has some serious issues, but then again the main one is probably that he is a cat. Spent some time working on the Professor cube and I've improved my time vastly from the first time I solved it. I've only done it twice now, but it only took 30-45 minutes which isn't too bad considering it always feels like it's going to break when you twist it a few times.

A much needed nap takes place for about two hours where I ignore a few phone calls and text messages. I awake to my phone ringing and Sam calling with an invitation to go play beer pong at Center Court, a bar on 4th and highland. I'm out of the house within 3 minutes of waking up, and driving to Sam's. The reason for the hustle and quick departure stems from the fact that Shannon, Sam's girlfriend, has never in her life seen the movie 'Heavyweights'. Looking to remedy that situation Sam obtained the movie, and him and Dave are waiting for me to arrive so they can start it and we can yet again watch a childhood favorite of ours. After I arrive, and we start the movie accompanied by a few beers, Dave leaves to go rock climb while Sam and I finish watching the movie. Afterwords we discuss weather or not we will go to Center Court to enter the Thursday beer pong tournament, 9 dollars for all you can drink beer, and pong. Sam is only 20 however and although we got in the last time without getting carded we don't really want to go, just to have to leave, especially with the outside temperature in the teens or lower. So we decided to play our single cup game that we played back in high school where you both just shoot on a single cup of water, and if you make it the other has to finish their beer. This goes well for a while until we decide to add a few more cups due to the lack of made shots. We created a whole new game which involved 3 'cups' and a few rule tweaks. In the end there was a cup in the back which was 1 beer value, a larger plastic popcorn box in the middle of the other two worth 1/2 a beer, and lastly a red solo cup in front worth one pull off your beer. Three pulls is approximately 1/2 of a beer, and the game was on. This kept us busy for a few hours as we got each other pretty well buzzed and pretended like we were going to go out and be social with other people. Finishing off the night with some programming conversation and then put on another movie to go to sleep. Patch Adams was the movie with one of the greatest actors ever, Robin Williams, and I think I made it about two minutes in, before I was asleep, a good thing too since I've got to be at work in about 7 hours.

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