Friday, March 19, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's day... not exactly what I was expecting, but it worked out none the less. I had to work for starters, which is a good thing because I don't think I could afford a day off work and an extra 7 hours of drinking. I worked from 8 'till 3 got myself McDonald's for lunch because I wanted a Shamrock Shake damnit, it was St. Patrick's day! Anyway, I got off work, called my brothers since my friends were all either out of town, working, or under 21. Adam was at home having to take care of his babies, Sean downtown, and my pappy was at home getting ready to take a nap before he went out again for round 2. So I stopped over by my Dad, took a shower, we were going to go grab a drink, but he was pretty much needing that nap. So I headed downtown and met up with Sean. After walking 8 blocks from my car to where Sean said the bar was I managed to sorta get lost. Not so much lost because it was water and jeuno, but lost in the fact that I didn't know exactly where this bar was, and it wasn't where I expected it to be. After about 15 minutes of walking around in circles I finally found it. Went in half expecting Sean to hand me a beer the second I saw him, and ended up being told to go make a new pitcher happen. Fair enough so I did. As soon as I get back to the table Sean wants to leave and go to a different bar, I point at the pitcher and he's like oh yeah, well once this pitcher is gone we're leaving. Drunk ass... So it was Sean, Phil, Pat, and Phil's girlfriend? Nora. Spent some time making fun of Pat and his big ass dick hole, which apparently is huge, and you could double fist without a problem... Anyway we left The Harp, the name of the bar I met Sean at, and headed over to McGuilicuddy's. Tons of people there, the back patio was open, the entire place was packed. Sean bought a pitcher and a round which was pretty sweet. We grabbed a table and chilled for a little while. Sean as usual cracked me up by trying to hit on girls, always a great experience. I love just watching him... "From 1-10 how much do you love your Milwaukee Bucks?", "2", "bye". Usually how it goes. That's his line though, and it's funny to me. Then he started hitting on some big black chicks, and ended up giving away his shot glass around his neck to one of them. He traded it to her for a dance. We decided to head back to my dad's/Sean's because as Sean put it, "I have mudbutt like a motherfucker and that's just not something you do at the bar." so uhh yeah. The walk to my car was pretty much filled with Sean telling us about how much he loves fat black chicks because there's two kinds of people in the world who keep it real. Fat black chicks, and him. Good shit, Sean drove us back to my dad's, took his dump, we did a couple shots of Jameson, and headed to the Back Draught. This is a bar like 2 blocks away from my dad's where he was at and they had food, so that's why we went there. We were planning on taking the bus to bay view area to go to the boush's place, since he was the only one left with us at the time. Pat got picked up by his baby momma, and Phil hada go home for St. Patrick's day dinner w/ the family, Nora went with him. Got some food and some drinks. Talked shit with some of the locals, played a round of shake of the day. 2 shakes for a buck. I won a 6-pack of beer, which i gave to my pop's we plan on splitting it one day in the nearish future. He has 3 more that he's won in his wallet. I bought everyone a round of jager bombs since I was starting to get a little bit tired. The bousch headed home after a short while of arguing plitics and shit w/ my dad. Sean decided it was time for him to go home and sleep so me and my dad played a round of cricket (a dart's game) I won, after it took me forever and a half to hit my last 15. Then my pop's decided to head home as well. I still wanted to drink some, and some people were playing bar dice. So I joined in that, played some bar dice, and hit on the bartender a little bit more. Ended up being the last one at the bar, and headed out of there at 1:30 ish, called it a little bit of an early night and headed back to my dad's. Noticed my phone was dead when I tried to set my alarm for work at 8am the next day. Plugged it in, and it wasn't turning on but I was too drunk to deal with it. So I said fuck it. Went to sleep and was out in about 10 seconds. Woke up in the mornin' thanks to my dad, yellin from his room at 7:30 that it was time for me to bail. Grabbed all my shit, unplugged my phone and headed to work. Phone still wouldn't turn on, I figured I was just drunk and the charger wasn't plugged in or something. Worked until 3:25, and went home. Plugged in my phone, watched an episode of House, and an episode of Scrubs. Phone still not working. I went to sleep, it was early like 5ish. I slept until I dunno, the smoke alarm woke me up, then just shoved my head under my pillows and went back to sleep. Woke up again at 11ish, looked at the clock, said fuck it and went back to sleep. Woke up around 6:50 in the morning. Laid in bed until around 7:30, talked to Seth for a few minutes before heading to work. I was freaking tired, and it was time to catch up on some sleep. Now I'm good and chipper, and ready to work way too many hours today.

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